Having being in this prestigious college for a few months now, certain things are no longer new for you- the roads, the transport system, the classroom, the uniform styles, the stress. However, certain things are yet unknown or at best fairly unknown- the lecturers, the exam system, the study structures, wise time management, balance-the essentials.
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You really cannot completely master the system because it is dynamic but you can build capacity to adjust with the oscillating school system. In other words, know what is necessary...and do it. Preoccupying yourself with a lot of activities can hamper your academic prowess. However, at the other extreme, living a monotonous, strictly academic life can ruin you ultimately. That being said, my little genuine advice- don't just pass through the college, allow the college to pass through you. Concomitantly also, don't be so permeable to every activity such that you jack all trade and master none. Your academics- essential. Your Spiritual life- Paramount. Your social life-necessary. Your moral life- defining. Build character. Build substance. Build friendship. Build longevity.
Oakland deposits the good, the bad, and the ugly. Its up to you to choose where you belong and what your legacy would be.
Once again, you are welcome to OAKLAND.
Credit: *ZOË*
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